Our company, in an initiative to contribute to the minimising road accidents, was among the supporters of the ‘European Night without Accidents’ in Cyprus which was organized on Saturday 15th of October, by Reaction Cyprus.

The European Night without Accident is organised each year on the third Saturday of October outside night clubs and bars, and it seeks to inform young people about the risks of drink and driving.

Volunteers, among them members of our staff who were stationed outside ‘Asmation’, encourage the clients of the night clubs to choose a designated driver who is not going to consume alcohol during the night and will be the person who will drive them home.

Upon his exit from the club, policemen would do a friendly alcotest and if he kept his promise he would be rewarded with a symbolic gift.

According to Reaction Cyprus’ President, this year’s campaign was a great success as 80% of the participants were below the permitted alcohol limit.