To supply industrial consumers and motorists with quality products in a safe manner, with respect to the environment.

Company Profile

company-profile_thumb2STAROIL commenced its operations in 2006, aiming to fill a gap which existed in the field of Commercial Fuels supply. STAROIL became the first Cypriot oil company to import and distribute fuels directly to commercial customers.

With fuel terminals in Larnaca and Nicosia, coupled with satellite storage in different towns, STAROIL has the capability to deliver high quality fuels promptly and in a safe manner, at competitive prices, using proven transporters and company owned tank lorries.

With petrol stations island wide, STAROIL serves motorists with quality fuels and lubricants at competitive prices.
STAROIL’s experience and professionalism ensures high quality and secure supply at all times.

STAROIL is differentiated from existing oil companies by its simplified “hands on” management structure without intermediaries while delivering fuels at lower prices than any other company on the island.

In May 2011, STAROIL entered the retail market introducing its first gas station in Cyprus. The STAROIL gas station network has since expanded to selective locations all over the island, providing professional services in a friendly environment combined with high quality fuels.